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APIs: 24
Upload: upload a file to your DreamObjects Storage Download: provides a download link to file from your DreamObjects Storage [if acl=private, then parameter expires must be set to 1minute|1day|1week|1month|1year ~ 1 can be changed to any number along with duration, as long as it makes sense to a computer] Delete: delete a file from your DreamObjects Storage Delete Folder: remove a folder from your DreamObjects Storage (action cannot be undone) Set ACL (access control list): sets the permissions of a file to public or private Clear Cache URL: Clear the cache of the file in your DreamObjects Storage $folder Count: count the amount of files, folders, or both in your DreamObjects Storage List: list the files, folders, or both in your DreamObjects Storage Size: retrieve the size of a file or folder in your DreamObjects Storage $bucket Add: add a bucet to your DreamObjects Storage List: list the buckets of your DreamObject Storage Remove: remove a hostname from your DreamObjects Storage $hostname Get: get the hostname service url (default: Set: set the DreamObjects CDN hostname service url $api Calls: purge an entire pull zone Charges: purge an entire pull zone $account Meta: Grab or search for meta data from records DreamAPI: retrieve your DreamAPI by confirming your registered email account or dreamCDN API Account key DreamAPI Status: retrieve or set the status of DreamAPI functionality New DreamAPI: generate a brand new DreamAPI (old API key will become obsolete) New DreamAPI Email: update an email address for the DreamAPI key